Wednesday, June 27, 2012


Grandma is picky about most things.  Let's say she wants a green shirt.  She has, somewhere in her mind, the perfect shirt.  We went through the store looking at EVERY green shirt.  Too dark, too light, sleeves too long, sleeves too short.  Wrong weight, wrong fabric. Some suggestions are met with "Ohhhh God that is hideous"
Today we were looking for a jacket.  The one she has she doesn't remember.  Every time we give it to her she says it isn't hers and she doesn't want to wear it.  So Mom decides we need to buy her a new one.  If she doesn't remember the one she has, how can she remember a new one?  Never mind the logic, off we go!  We head to Kohl's since we have a 30% off coupon.  It is the end of June so we walk in to see summer clothes as far as the eye can see.  There are a few jackets and sweaters on clearance along the back. so we forage through them.  Hey, a white jacket in her size!  But the fitted shoulders are too big since Grandmas have curved in so much.  Mom still wants to buy it since it is on sale.  I talk her out of it since Grandma won't wear what Grandma doesn't like.  How about a sweater? No, they would make her look like an old lady. "Um, Grandma, you are an old lady,"  I say.  "But I don't have to dress like one" she responds.  Good point.  We find her a pink sweatshirt like jacket that is acceptable.  She asks why she needs another jacket as we head to check out.  I don't know Grandma.

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